2023 GVCA Community Builder
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The recipient of the 2023 GVCA Community Builder is Roger Farwell.
Roger died suddenly and unexpectedly in a car accident in August of, 2021, while driving to the cottage for family holidays. Roger left behind his loving wife, children and a community that has since struggled to replace the void left in the community since his passing.
Roger was an Architect, Senior Partner and Project Manager with Walter Fedy. Projects that provided the opportunity to help people were the most meaningful and satisfying work for Roger. Those who knew him describe Roger as a tireless community builder. He was a visionary who led authentically, humbly and without ego. Every person received the same consideration, kindness, and respect.
Roger received numerous awards including induction into the Grand Valley Construction Association’s Hall of Fame in 2015, Waterloo Region Record Barn raiser Award, and the Greater K-W Chamber of Commerce Michael R. Follett Community Leader Award.
Roger made our community better.
He led by example and exemplified what a community builder should aspire to be.
The GVCA also announced that the GVCA Community Builder award has been renamed The Roger Farwell Community Builder Award and all future recipients will be recognized alongside Roger for their contributions.