WinC Golf Tournament
Contact Us
Ladies, this is a fun day on the links and you don't need to know how to golf to participate! It's a best ball tournament. Enjoy the competition and the networking with other great women in the industry.
Invite co-workers, sisters, friends, bosses,
- BBQ lunch
- 18 holes of golf with power cart
- Dinner
- Wine with dinner
Drinks throughout the day are not included.
Here's the schedule:
10:30 a.m. Registration
11:00 am Lunch
12:30 noon Tee-off - Let the game begin!
Dinner to follow Golf
PLEASE NOTE: There will be a 50/50 draw, plus ticket draws where you can win Raffle prizes
Sponsorships are a great way to put your name in front of some of the most influential women in the construction industry.
We will provide signage for
you at the hole you sponsor, and your logo will be displayed online and in print material. You also have the option of having staff stationed at the hole, promoting your company with swag, offer an interactive game or activities and building valuable connections potential new clients.
Specialty hole sponsors will also receive honourable mention at the dinner when the Closest to the Pin and Closest to the Keg winners are announced.
Lunch and dinner sponsors will be displayed on a printed colour banner.